Lopi Wool Wash

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When your beloved hand knits need some freshening, Lopi Ullarsápa is here. This soap is specially formulated for washing wool and other delicate materials.
Lopi Ullarsápa, recommended dosage:
Hand wash: 25 ml (ca 2 caps) in 5 litres of water
Machine wash: 75 ml (ca 6 caps) for 4-5 kg load
How to use Lopi Ullarsápa:
Hand wash
- Dissolve Lopi wool soap in lukewarm water, approximately 30°C
- Let the garment soak in the water for about 10 minutes, except for garments made from Plötulopi that should not be soaked.
- Wash delicately.
- Rinse very well or until the water is completely clear. The water might need changing a few times.
- Squeeze gently, do not rub or wring out.
- Smooth out and lay to dry on a flat surface in right measurements.
Machine washing
- Pour Lopi ullarsápa into the detergent comparment of the washing machine, see recommended dosage.
- After the program is finished, take the load immediately out of the machine and lay to dry on a flat surface in right measurements.
- Please note that not all garments made of wool and other delicate materials are machine washable.