100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard
100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard

100 Knitted Tiles edited by Sarah Callard

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100 Knitted Tiles: Charts and patterns for knitted motifs inspired by decorative tiles is an inspiring resource for knitters. Decorative tiles have long been a source of inspiration for designers and artists due to their often intricate patterns and colors. This unique collection brings that design inspiration to the world of knitting. With special instructions for all the necessary colorwork techniques and special stitches, this book is suitable for all abilities.

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