'Knit the Dunrobin Sweater' Course
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Ready to knit the Dunrobin Sweater? We're so excited for you and are here to help! If the Dunrobin Sweater is your first garment or you are looking for guidance and tips along the way, the Dunrobin Course is here for you! In this self-guided course, you will have instructional videos for each step.
Knit the Dunrobin Sweater with Corinne and she'll show you all the key elements and how to do them as you knit together. Step by step instructions from start to finish and you'll have a sweater that fits and looks great!
Video Lessons include:
- Welcome and Introduction
- Begin Front and Bottom Hems
- Join Front and Back Hem
- Side Seam Detail
- Separate Front and Back
- Front Shoulder Shaping
- Back Shoulder Shaping
- Join Front and Back Shoulders
- Pick Up Neck Stitches
- Add Neck
Corinne walks you through all of the major steps of knitting the Dunrobin Sweater through video demonstrations, so you can learn from her and knit with confidence. The course is a self paced series of pre-recorded videos that can be accessed through our website at your convenience. Once you purchase the course, you can work through the videos at your own convenience as often as you'd like with indefinite access.
This course includes a digital copy of the Dunrobin Sweater pattern which will be emailed to you with a link to the Digital Download.
Accessing Your Course: After purchasing this Course, you will be have immediate access to the online Course. The videos are accessed through The Woolly Thistle website when you are logged into your customer account. From The Woolly Thistle website, click "Course Login" in the upper left corner. On that page, you will be able to click on any of the Courses that you have purchased. The email used to purchase The Course, will be the email that is used to access your course. You will be able to watch the course videos as many times as you like.
Please send us an email to info@thewoollythistle.com, if you have questions about accessing the course.
Please note digital products cannot be returned or refunded. Videos are streamed and users are not able to download content to their personal devices. Thank you!
Pattern Update: Current Version is FINAL Dunrobin Sweater v4 by Corinne Tomlinson. For details on the updates please click on the description button below.