We are moving!
We are moving! We have been searching for a new home for some time that would offer us more space to grow. Lately we've been spilling out into the hallways next to our shop space because there is just no room to move. Due to the small size of our current space, and with COVID restrictions, we were having to limit the number of team members in the shop at any one time. We also need more space for our growing *stash* that we share with you! So the need for a bigger space was abundantly clear to all of us at The Woolly Thistle.
I started looking for buildings and retail shops but was having a hard time finding exactly what I thought we needed. I would dearly love a shop front so we could finally be a brick and mortar store and I know many of you would love to visit - but during this time of COVID it didn't make sense to pursue a shop front - and also - the affordable spaces are small. The truth is what we need is a warehouse. Granted, a small warehouse, but a warehouse none-the-less.
The perfect unit became available in the light industrial park near the airport in West Lebanon, NH. We are thrilled to have a new home because it's a much better configuration (a giant rectangle) and it's the perfect size for what we need at this time - space to spread out and space to build shelves for our gorgeous woolly wool. I have grand plans to have the most girlie warehouse there ever was. It's so exciting. (Apologies for not having photos to share just yet. They will come as soon as we get the keys!)
A colleague in Pittsburgh just told me about you—and you’re literally 3 miles from my house! Do you have occasional retail hours? Just starting to explore your offerings—just fabulous!
Do you have a retail space ? Might be time for a road trip
Do you have a storefront ? I had no idea you were so close to my home in Bradford VT. Love my yarn I just received. Thank you!
I have the same question as the previous writers—is there a shop we can enter?
Thank you for the wonderful photos and podcasts and especially the Shetland adventures.
I just happened upon your Shopcast #138 tonight..
and wonder where in the world you were located… And to my wondering surprise we are nearly next door neighbors… I am in the southwest corner of NH .. west of Keene, NH.
I to am wondering if one can enter your warehouse/shop I just have the worst luck when I purchase yarn without touching it and seeing the colors live in-person. from 91-North I know to get on 89-Souith then I leave that going north to Dartmouth-Hitchcock… It is just over an hour drive for me to I89.. Loved your March 12 offering. Expect to visit some of your prior presentations.
Thank you for your time.