A woman with her Shetland sheep nuzzling her cheek on a sunny day.

Updates from Fair Isle with Rachel

By Maggie Nichols

Thank you for joining us! We're delighted that Rachel @Barkland Croft is checking in again from Fair Isle. Rachel is back this month with an update on her lambs and life on Fair Isle. Be sure to watch Rachel's previous videos over on our YouTube channel to learn more about her, her lovely sheep and island life!

1 Comment

  • Where do I start? The tiny lamb, the Ewerovision song contest, the lambs carrying buckets and a cute cat to boot? This whole video brightened my day! I am so sorry about pretty Juniper. Such a lovely little lamb. Best of luck with your garden. Your chard is looking good! The yarn is gorgeous – looking forward to hearing more about it. :)


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