TWT June Activity: "Caa your knits" and clear those needles!

Every year, shepherds around the world gather in the wandering sheep from the hills to sort them out and check in with them. In Scotland that's called 'Caaing in the sheep'; in Iceland it's 'Réttir'. Let's do our own little round up in our Thistle Community!
If you're like us, our making projects could use a little tidy up now and then. With our Shawl KAL just wrapping up, now feels like a great time to wrangle in those languishing WIPs, sort out those stray notions, and get a hold on our project bags.
Starting today and continuing through the month of June, gather up your project bags, notions pouches, and WIPs to sort out what to finish and what to frog (rip-it rip-it). Use the hashtag #TWTCaaYourKnits to join in this fun and useful endeavor!
Need help deciding? Post it in our groups! Can't remember what pattern you were even using? Someone else might know! Share all your best tips for repurposing yarn, organizing your pattern collection, storing your needles, anything that will help us all start off the next season on the right foot! The more we share, the more ideas we'll all have!
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
1. Gather up all your project bags, notions pouches, and WIPs. Make sure each bag has only what you really need for the project.
2. Put those stray stitch markers and other notions back where they belong. Redistribute them for each project bag.
3. Put your leftover yarn balls and scraps away - into a pretty jar, bag, wherever you hang onto those little bits and bobs!
4. Look at your current WIPs and decide whether they're worth finishing or frogging. We like to say all knitting is good knitting, but no use working on a project that doesn't bring you joy anymore!
5. Put needles back where they belong.
6. Gather your knitting books and pattern print-offs. Put them back where they belong.


  • Julia

    After the big move, a need for caaing the yarn, and all related tools had reached critical mass. Sorting by color feels so different, and exciting. A new to me cabinet with glass shelves, sides, and doors feels so indulgent. Excited to fill and finish.

  • Ridie Ghezzi

    As I purchase wool for a particular project, when it arrives I put that wool and a print out of the pattern it’s for in a ziplock bag. Previously I would buy wool for a particular project, look at that (expensive) wool a month or two out and have no memory what it was intended for! This has solved that problem, though of course I now have many ziploc bags full of future projects, but that’s fine with me. That being said, I do have so much left over yarn in various sized balls, needles in project bags where I have abandoned something, all the usual. This post will really be helpful in sorting all of that out! I look forward to a little more order.

  • Sophie Wexler

    I am going home and getting started!!

  • Marilyn Wheatley

    This idea/suggestion has totally motivated me. It’ll probably take me more than a day to sort through all my WIP’S. I’m afraid I have a real mess. It’ll be a joy to have it all organized again.

  • Julia

    Have been knee deep in this task(s). Reorganizing yarn by color — looks and feels so different already. Regrouping and reorganzing all yarn related matter long overdue following the big move. Feels good to be diving in at last, more than a toe in the water.

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